Egg Custard Tart


500ml fresh milk

2 Eggs

4 Egg yolks

100ml Double cream (Nestle cream)

1/2 to 3/4 cup Sugar

3-4 tbsp. Cornstarch

2 tsp. Vanilla extract

640g Puff pastry (ready made)1 tbsp. Cinnamon powder


1. Transfer the milk in a sauce pan. Add the cornstarch and mix it well.

2. Add eggs, egg yolks, double cream, sugar and vanilla. Mix it well until the sugar is dissolved.

3. Turn on the heat to medium. Continue stirring till the mixture is paste-like consistency. Remove fro the heat and let it cool down.

4. Prepare cupcake tray and grease with butter.

5. Roll out the puff pastry dough and flatten it using a rolling pin for about half centimeter thick.

6. Sprinkle the cinnamon powder on puff pastry then roll it like a log. Divide it to 8-10 pieces or about 1.5 inch thick.

7. Pre-heat the oven to 350F/180C.

8. Roll one piece of puff pastry and place it in the prepared pans. Continue until all the pans are done.

9. Using an ice cream scoop, scoop the custard cream and place it into the prepared pastry.

10. Bake for 30-45 minutes depending on the size of the pan or until the top is brown.

11. Transfer in a cooling rack and let it cool down before serving. Enjoy!