Yema Hopia



1 can condense milk

2 tbsp. butter

1 egg

1 tsp. vanilla


2 cups plain flour

1/2 cup lard, cut into cubes

2tbsp. sugar

1/2 cup water

1 cup plain flour

1/4 cup lard, cut into cubes

1 egg white for brushing


1) Combine 2 cups flour, sugar and 1/2 cup lard in a mixing bowl. Mix it well using your clean hands till it becomes crumbly in texture.

2) Once crumbly, add 1/2 cup water and continue to mix it till it forms like a dough. If the dough is too sticky, sprinkle a good amount of flour on your clean worktop and work the dough well by kneading till the dough is no longer sticky.

3) Form the dough into a ball and cut into four. Set aside.

4) Combine the other portion of flour and lard. Mix it well again using your hands till it becomes crumbly. Then set aside.

5) Using 1 cling film, flatten one portion of the dough using your palm then place another cling film on top. Flatten the dough using a rolling pin till the dough is about 1/8 inch thick.

6) Remove the top cling film. Sprinkle the crumbly flour on top of the flatten dough, make sure you have enough crumbly flour for the 4 doughs. Using the bottom cling 7) film, roll the dough tightly into a log, Seal both ends then wrap it in cling film. Continue the procedure for the rest of the dough. Refrigerate the dough for 30 minutes.

8) After 30 minutes, unwrap the dough and cut it into 4-5. Get 1 portion facing upward flatten using a rolling pin (with cling film at the bottom and on top) to about 1/8 in thickness.

9) Place a tablespoon full of yema filling at the centre of the dough and seal the dough completely. Place on baking tray and continue the rest of the dough.

10) Pre-heat the oven to 175C. Brush egg whites on top of the hopia. Bake it for 15-20 minutes or till it’s golden brown. Transfer into wire rack to cool down before serving. Enjoy!