1. Cook the glutinous rice by boiling. Set aside.
2. Heat up a pan then pour 1/2 portion of brown sugar. Mix continously to caramelise.Then add the coconut milk and the remaining brown sugar.
3. Simmer till the mixture is thick or syrup type consistency. Set aside about 3/4 to 1 cup of coconut jam to use as toppings.
4. Add the boiled glutinous rice and stir continously till the coconut jam is fully absorbed and the coconut begins to oil. This procedure will take about 20 minutes of stirring!
5. Once the mixture starts to stick to the pan and you are able to lift the pan while mixing, then it’s ready.
6. Transfer to a serving tray. Garnish with the coconut jam we set aside earlier and optional toppings of roasted dessicated coconut. Enjoy!