Cheezy Milky Donut Balls

For the donuts:
500g Strong White Bread Flour,plus extra for flouring (3 1/3 cups)
50g Sugar (3 tbsp)
40g Unsalted Butter, softened (2 tbsp)
2 large Egg
2x 7g (1.5 tbsp.) Fast Acting Yeast
10g Salt (1.5 tsp.)
150ml Warm milk (1/2cup+1 tbsp)
2 -4 tbsp. Warm Water
Oil for deep frying
20 pcs. (1/2 inch) Cheddar Cheese Cubes
For the Milky Coating:
2 tbsp. Icing Sugar
3/4 cup Skimmed Powdered Milk
  1. For the donuts, place all the ingredients into a large bowl (except the sunflower oil) with three tablespoons of water. Stir with your hands to make a dough.
  2. Gradually add another tablespoon of water and massage in the bowl for four minutes.
  3. Tip the dough onto a lightly floured surface and knead well for 15 minutes, or until the dough is smooth and elastic.
  4. Place into a lightly greased bowl and leave to rise for 60 minutes, covered with a damp tea towel.
  5. For the milky coating: combine icing sugar and skimmed milk. Mix it well and set aside.
  6. After the dough has risen, transfer the dough out onto the very lightly floured worktop again and remove the air by pressing the dough with your fingers. Divide into 2 pieces. Roll the half into a log then cut it in 8 – 10 pieces.
  7. With a floured rolling pin, roll out 1 piece of dough quite thinly to about 0.5 cm thick. Insert the cheddar cheese inside the dough, seal and roll. Transfer in a tray lined with parchment paper. Comtinue the rest of the dough. Make sure there’s enough spaces in between each donut balls then cover it with cling film or dumped cloth. Let it rise or prove again for another 40 minutes.
  8. Preheat a deep fat fryer, filled with sunflower oil to 180C/350F (Caution: hot oil can be dangerous; do not leave unattended.)
  9. Drop each donut in separately, cooking each side for about a minute or until golden-brown. Remove with a slotted spoon and place onto a plate lined with kitchen towel to soak up the excess oil. Leave to cool down a bit.
  10. Roll the donut balls in milky coating. Transfer in a cooling rack to cool down completely before serving. Enjoy!