Pork Siomai


750g mince pork

1 cup finely chopped shrimp/prawns

1 cup finely chopped singkamas or parsnips or carrots

1/3 cup finely chopped spring onions

1 cup corn starch/corn flour

1 egg

2 tsp. salt, adjust according to your taste

1/2 tsp. ground pepper

1 tbsp. sesame oil

2 pack wonton wrapper

oil for frying


1. In a mixing bowl, combine all filling ingredients together. Mix it well and leave in the fridge for a minimum of 30 min. to infuse the flavours of the ingredients.

2. Wrap the siomai with 2 tsp. siomai mixture. See video for technique in wrapping.

3. Prepare the steamer, grease the steamer pan before placing the siomai.

4. Steam for 10-15 min. depending on the size of the siomai. 

Best serve with soy sauce & lemon/lime juice with chilli paste.

**Note: if you will do this for selling, you can add 1 cup flour as extender then adjust the salt & pepper to taste