Caramelised Fish with Buko Juice


100g sliced fish, salmon or talakitok

50g pork belly, sliced thinly

2 tbsp. brown sugar

1 tbsp. oyster sauce

2 tbsp. vinegar

250g cooked rice noodles

1/2 cup coconut juice

Chilli pepper

1 onion, finely sliced

1 tbsp. grated ginger

1 tbsp. grated garlic

Oil for frying


1. Marinate the fish in vinegar, onion, garlic, ginger, a little bit of brown sugar and oyster sauce for at least 10-20 minutes.

2. Pre-heat pan with oil for frying. Add the remaining sugar and caramelise on a low heat. Add pork belly and continue to cook. Make sure that the heat is low so the sugar will not burn.

3. Add the fish and fry for 2-3 minutes on both sides.

4. Add all the remaining ingredients and the coconut juice plus the marinade. Place all the ingredients on top of the fish.

5. Remove from the heat and place the fish in top of the cooked rice noodles. Ready to serve.