Pompano with Black Beans and Tofu


1 big Pompano fish

1 small Onion, sliced

4-5 cloves Garlic, minced

1 in. Ginger root, sliced thinly

1 square Tofu, smashed

1 tbsp. Black beans

A handful of Coriander (kinchay)

Fish sauce and black pepper to taste

1 cup water

Oil for frying and sautéing

1 tbsp. Corn starch dissolved in 2 tbsp. water (optional)


1) Season fish with salt and fry. Set aside.

2) Pre-heat oil in a pan. Sautė garlic and onion till tender. Add ginger, and smashed tofu. Continue sautėing till the tofu is light brown on a low-medium heat.

3) Add water, black beans and coriander. Season with fish sauce and black pepper if needed. Simmer for 2 minutes on a low heat.

4) Lastly, add the fried fish. If you want a thick sauce, add corn starch dissolved in water. Simmer till sauce thickens. Trnasfer in a plate ready to serve. Enjoy!