Sinigang sa Miso


3/4 kg Tanigue

3 – 4 cups Sabaw ng Sinaing or Water

1 Onion, chopped

5-6 cloved Garlic, chopped

2 Tomatoes, sliced

1/2 inch Ginger, sliced

1/2 – 3/4 cup Miso

2 – 3 pcs. Siling Haba

1 small packet Sinigang with Miso mix

1 bunch Mustasa

1 Labanos, sliced

Oil for frying/sautéing

Salt or patis to taste


1) Pre-heat oil in a pan. Fry the tanigue till lightly browned. Set aside.

2) Pre-heat oil in a sauce pan and sauté garlic, onion, tomatoes and ginger. Then add the miso and continue sautéing for a few minutes.

3) Add the sabaw ng sinaing, sinigang mix and season with salt or patis according to your taste Add labanos and siling haba. Simmer till it boils.

4) Lastly, add the fried tanigue and simmer for 2 to 3 minutes. Add the mustasa. Remove from the heat and ready to serve. Enjoy!